Pereira studied with classical guitar master Isaías Sávio while still in São Paulo. Moving to France, he presented a master's thesis about Villa-Lobos' music to the department of Musicology of the Université Musicale Internationale de Paris/Sorbonne. In the next five years while living in France, Pereira performed in Germany, the United States, Switzerland, France, Denmark, Canada, and Spain. Back in Brazil, he organized courses on violão (classical guitar) and functional harmony at the University of Brasília, and recorded two albums (Violão Popular Brasileiro Contemporâneo and Círculo das Cordas) that yielded him an invitation to perform at the Town Hall (New York) in 1988. He performed in the Brasil em Caracas festival (Venezuela) in 1995 and 1996 (the latter year with Paulo Moura). Also in 1996, he performed with success in the XXème Carrefour Mondiale de la Guitare (Martinica) with Baden Powell and Vicente Amigo. In 2000, he toured the U.S. with Ralph Towner in the International Guitar Night series. ~ Alvaro Neder, Rovi