Osvaldo left the trio in 1932, and the duo of Paulo and Haroldo recorded several other songs in that decade. In 1942, Haroldo abandoned the artistic scene and Paulo followed as a singer and director/producer of radio shows, hired in that capacity by Rádio Nacional and Rádio Tupi. With Nuno Roland and Albertinho Fortuna, he formed the Trio Melodia and the serenata group Turma do Sereno. In 1966, Tapajós became a member of the executive committee of the I FIC (International Song Festival, TV-Rio, Rio de Janeiro), remaining as its artistic director until 1970. Organizing tapes recorded by Jacob do Bandolim and his own renditions, he launched the LP Os Saraus de Jacob: Jacob do Bandolim Recebe o Modinheiro Paulo Tapajós. In 1988, Tapajós had a compilation of his songs released by the Collector's label. ~ Alvaro Neder, Rovi