Tagging themselves I Live the Life of a Movie Star Secret Hideout, the indie rock duo Adam Bayer and Maria Pitallano disregarded their tongue twisting moniker and played on with their quirky pop sound. Throughout the mid-'90s, the group became quite popular among the New York artsy crowds, and Bayer founded the Radio Argot label. Two EPs -- Atom Blast and Gale Wind Transistor -- were released shortly thereafter. ~ MacKenzie Wilson, Rovi

The I Live The Life Of A Movie Star Secret Hideout - Charlemagne
The I Live the Life of a Movie Star Secret Hideout - Atom Blast
I Live the Life of a Movie Star Secret Hideout - Indochine Kru (Come and See)
I live the life of a movie star Secret Hideout "Lotus Eaters"
Indochine Kru (Come And See)
Various Artists, "Little Molly Has A Treat For You" CD (2000)
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