The first appearance of this composer and organist was in service to (probably) S Maria de' Crocicchieri in Venice as organist c.1638. Fontei probably stayed in Venice as he competed against Cavalli, Arrigoni and Monferrato for the same position in 1640. Cavalli won. It is definitive that he moved to Verona in 1645 to serve as choirmaster but it is not known if he then proceeded to Mantua. Fontei composed one opera, which he saw performed, and both sacred and secular vocal music. Pioneering the rondo structure in secular music, Fontei brought the stanza-refrain structure to one, two and three part vocal pieces. Larger works, such as his Mass in D-mol, were more extensive and written for eight parts. "Lilla, se Amor con fugga" was his pastoral dialogue entertaining the contrast between and relationships among song, and misery, love and tears. ~ Keith Johnson, Rovi

NICOLÒ FONTEI: Pianto d'Erinna - La bella Erinna su le sponde amene PDF SCORE
Nicolò Fontei - Pianto D'Erinna
Nicolò Fontei: Il pianto di Erinna (Vincenzo Manno, Roberto Gini, 1992)
Nicolò Fontei: Auree stelle. Condoglianza / Teresa Berganza, Yasunori Imamura, Jörg Ewald Dähler
NICOLÒ FONTEI: Fortunato cantore (Dialogo, Filli e Tirsi) PDF SCORE
Fontei: Fiera Lite Hoggi E Tra Noi
Fontei: Non Maledico Io, No
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