Happyland was a side project embarked on by Janet English, bassist and singer of Spiderbait, and Quan Yeomans, singer and guitarist of Regurgitator, during a break from their respective bands. The two, who were in a relationship at the time, called themselves The Shits before changing their name to the less commercially suicidal Happyland. The songs they recorded together combined the most hyper-kinetic and poppy sounds common to the two bands, with English's vocals at their most high-pitched and girlish, and Yeomans' melodies at their most twitchy and infectious. An album, Welcome to Happyland, was released on Polydor in 1998 and they began touring with the Big Day Out, playing the concerts while dressed as bears, bees and other animals. Another song, Tintarella di Luna, was recorded for the soundtrack to Looking for Alibrandi in 2000. After the two broke up and returned to their bands, the Happyland experiment was ended. ~ Jody Macgregor, Rovi
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