Comedy metal troupe the Dave Brockie Experience consists of vocalist/bassist Dave Brockie (also a member of GWAR), guitarist Mike Derks, and drummer Brad Roberts, who endeavored to splice the disparate strains of hard rock and metal with comedy. After debuting with 2001's self-explanatory Diarrhea of a Madman, the group returned two years later with the equally humorous Songs for the Wrong. Brockie continued to focus on GWAR in the 2000s and 2010s. He died unexpectedly on March 23, 2014.~ Eduardo Rivadavia, Rovi

GWAR - Dave Brockie explains Oderus Urungus' costume
GWAR’s Dave Brockie goes off on Randy Blythe’s detention in Czech Republic
Dave Brockie live with RAWG GWAR UNMASKED July 14 2012
Dave Brockie 2019 video
Interview with Dave Brockie of GWAR
Interview with Dave Brockie: GWAR's Oderus Urungus Unmasked
Dave Brockie 5 Year Anniversary Memorial
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