After working with varying personnel in various settings over the years, Burch assembled them in August 2020 at the Fish Factory Studio during the first break in London's COVID-19 pandemic. Some of its players had never met face-to-face, though they had played a virtual improvised session for the Boiler Room together earlier. For the single-day session, Burch scripted texts as scores. He placed emphasis on breathing and listening to one another. Though the resultant ten tracks were freely improvised, more often than not the band chose to stay on collective form, employing circular rhythms and repeating various melodies and grooves for its members to improvise off. The music crossed numerous genres from jazz to Afro-funk to classical minimalism to EDM.
The singles -- "Expand" and "Bold Dream" -- were released by Strut in the spring of 2022, followed by a self-titled full-length in May. ~ Thom Jurek, Rovi