Robin Eaton
The multi-talented Robin Eaton hails from a musical flock in Pennsylvania, on his own playing enough instruments for an entire family unit. Eaton represents the dynamic combination of a producer, recording engineer, and mixer with an instrumentalist able to fill in wherever there is a hole, be it a guitar gnat, bass bump, even a sitar squiggle. There should be no shock in naming the latter instrument prior to mentioning Eaton's status in Nashville, where he moved from his native Pennsylvania to follow the musical muse. The country western capital, after all, is where the sitar was utilized on a whole series of hits at the height of pop music's raga rage in the '60s and '70s.
Robin Eaton helped produce the 2005 debut album by the Spinto Band, featuring his nephew Jon Eaton on guitar and vocals. Andy Eaton, another Pennsylvania rocker who sang in the Sin City combo, is the brother of Robin Eaton. The latter Eaton's most enduring musical collaboration to date has taken place outside his own family with the enjoyable female vocalist Jill Sobule, for whom he has co-written a raft of tuneage, the best known of which is the proud I Kissed a Girl. Eaton has also produced sessions in Nashville for Tim Easton and Tommy Womack. ~ Eugene Chadbourne, Rovi