Berman worked with Georgie Auld, Harry James, and Benny Goodman, the latter bandleader standing out as the only guy to ever fire this particular musician. Nothing negative should be implied by this, however, since "bitchy Benny" fired many a good man; in Berman's case, like many others, the episode was contrived by first sabotaging the reading light on the trumpeter's music stand in order to make him sound incompetent. While Goodman felt excessive competition from Berman's flair, Herman was happy to make use of this talent as a kind of fuel injection system. For the truncated period that Berman was in the Herman band, much use was made of his soloing on tracks such as the superb Sidewalks of Cuba. Some jazz references politely list the cause of Berman's death as a heart attack. New collections issued after the death of Herman himself, including live recordings, have greatly increased the scope of Berman's discography. ~ Eugene Chadbourne, Rovi