Initially mentored by Andrea Marcovicci, Maggart was introduced to New York's club scene by Michael Feinstein, who had her make a guest appearance on his Christmas show in 2001; she made her formal nightclub debut at Danny's Skylight Room in Manhattan in 2003 with a program devoted to songs of the 1920s. It formed the basis for her self-released debut album, Look for the Silver Lining, just as her next show, +The Talk of the Town: The Music of 1933, inspired her second album, With Sweet Despair, in 2004. By then, she was appearing at the prestigious Oak Room of the Algonquin Hotel in New York. Along with other stints at such clubs as Feinstein's at the Regency in New York, the Plush Room in San Francisco, the Colony Hotel in Palm Beach, the Savor Room in St. Louis, and Schroeder's in San Diego, this helped her win the MAC Award for Best Female Debut in 2005, and the same year she earned awards for special achievement from Time Out New York and Back Stage magazines. Her third album was Maude Maggart Sings Irving Berlin, reflecting the evening of Berlin's early songs she was performing in 2005. On March 13, 2007, she released Live, a CD culled from shows at the Gardenia and the Oak Room, and based on the 2006 version of her nightclub act, which she called +Comes Love and dedicated to her grandparents. Meanwhile, she had already premiered a new version of her act, dubbed +Good Girl/Bad Girl. ~ William Ruhlmann, Rovi