Formerly known as Sister Crayon, the pair linked up in 2010. Although Lopez created Sister Crayon, Fernandez joined the fold and they released two albums (2011's Bellow and 2013's Cynic) of beat-focused dark synth that was inspired by trip-hop and '90s hip-hop. While recording the third Sister Crayon album, Devoted, in 2015, tragedy befell Lopez when both her father and her best friend. died. After the twin losses, the pair decided to change their name, both as a way to put their loved ones to rest and to rebrand themselves with a moniker that fully belonged to both women. They signed with Warner Bros. and continued work on their album. Along with producers Wes Jones and Dave Clauss, Lopez and Fernandez also called upon the mixing talents of Tom Coyne (Led Zeppelin, Adele) for recording sessions in St. Augustine, Florida. Writing credits for the release also included contributions by Omar Rodriguez Lopez (At the Drive-In, the Mars Volta) on the title track. In 2016, they released "Ride or Die," influenced by the sounds of Portishead and Massive Attack. Before the official release of Devoted, they would further build their audience with opening stints for Deftones and Tricky. A handful of remix EPs landed in 2017, electronic reworkings of album tracks "Devoted," "Ride or Die," and "Armor."
In 2018, they began to roll out newly recorded music, including the dreamy single "I'll Always Be in Love with You" and the clattering electronic "No Time to Go Numb." The Sleeper Hold EP arrived in 2019, featuring the single "Burst." Lopez began writing new material by herself for the next album, making for a more personal record informed by the loss of loved ones and her experiences with discrimination; those tracks appeared on the 2020 album Hype Nostalgia. ~ Neil Z. Yeung, Rovi
Ride or Die |